Why We Exist

Why We Exist

We believe that quality sells by itself

RRTL is a brand recognised in Tanzania with the plumbing, Pipes and fittings industry. Our network of distribution partners has grown significantly in recent years within Tanzania and across borders, with Tanzania RRTL now established as a Tanzania Brand in Dar es Salaam, meaning our products can be delivered to you directly through our international network. What we strive for is to import and supply products that speaks quality and at the same time can be an affordable product for our end-users from all walks of life.


Three things that define who we are and why we are the number 1 choice:

  1. We strongly believe in customer and client feedback

  2. We have built an effective communication channel be it with our clients, end-users or employees

  3. We provide competitive pricing and a product that lasts

We continue to endeavour to map Tanzania as one of the leading Importer and Supplier in Tanzania for the field of pipes and fitting products.


56 Swahili & Lindi Street, Gerezani Kariakoo,
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


+255 684 303015
+255 713 578050
+255 689 048786

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